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Total number sessions : This is the total number of connections made over a given period.
Total number of users : Number of all the different users (devices) who logged in on a specific day.
Tip : The system is only really accurate when you select a specific day. Indeed, it does not recognize returning users neither when a user changes his smartphone.
New users : Number of new users who made their fisrt connection (from a new device) over a given period.
Average number of sessions per day per user : It counts the average number of app openings per day.
Session count compared to the previous month : It compares the number of sessions opened bu students with the previous month.
Average time spent on a session : Average user time connection during a session. This average is calculated in seconds.
Most clicked features : This pie chart shows the most clicks breakdown on your app. It allows you to see the most visited features (schedule, absence, note, login - for the first connection) and how they are visited (by dashboard, burger menu, notifications...). This breakdown allows you to draw conclusions about the use of the application. For example, a high share of clicks on the login button shows a strong growth of new users.
Most clicked features (outside of schedule) : It allows you to report on the most clicked features exluding clicks related to te schedule feature (which represents a large part of user searches).
User's and new user's evolutions : These curves show the evolution of the number of users and new users (those who connecting for the first time or from a new device) over a given period (i.e over a 12-month period). These values are given per day and over the chosen period.
Sessions number's evolution : It gives the evolution of the number of open sessions (meaning the number of openings of the app) among all users over a given period (i.e over a 12-month period).
Average usage per day of the week : It shows the number of average users of the application, day by day, over the week. It allows to identify the days during during which the application is the most used by students and thus to make communication as relevant and effective as possible.
Users in the word : This statistic shows on a map the repartition by country of users all around the world.
Most used OS languages : This statistic shows the reparition of languages used on user devices.