Before release


To ensure that 100% of your students know about the app and regularly use it, it is essential to develop an effective communication strategy.

Before release, we suggest you put in place some actions that have helped institutions achieve high usages in the past. These actions, which are essential for the release, should also be repeated regularly.

Our advice for an optimal communication plan:

RELEASE DATE: We recommand not to give a release date until the app is available on the stores. Announcing a date to your students can be very frustrating for project teams if the release is delayed.

COMMUNICATION IMPACT: The release of your app without communication will not be a success. The communication plan is therefore the number 1 factor of success for your application.

COMMUNICATION ACTIONS: Do not hesitate to multiplicate the communication supports and to repeat the actions. This will allow you to reach a maximum number of users and increase the rate of adhesion around your application.

Last updated